Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summer Schedule

11 more days until summer vacay! I'm not exactly counting down because I'm excited. I am not looking forward to the constant fighting, whining, and complaining of boredom. And that's just the first day. (insert mad props to all the teachers here) To help keep my kids out of my hair, er... busy... I've come up with a schedule. I found other sample summer schedules online, but I just tweaked them to our needs. For example, my hubby is often home on Thursdays so this is a better day for "field trips". Happy Summer Vacation!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Playdate Cards

Summer is quickly approaching. My daughter is still at that age where she likes LOVES to go to school. I know she is going to miss her classmates like crazy. So I made these little Playdate Cards for her to give her friends. She also received some back from her friends. And I got a lot of great feedback from the other parents at school. Hopefully this means Lili will have some playdates away from home this summer.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Warning: May Contain Nuts

It's about a month until it's time for the FARE Walk for Food Allergy Research & Education. This is the first year this walk will make it's debut in Milwaukee. And it has come at a very good time. A couple of months ago, my son Gabriel went into anaphylactic shock after eating a pistachio nut. Although he has an allergy to milk, beef, and shellfish (he outgrew his soy allergy about a year ago), he didn't require an epi-pen. The day after we got home from the hospital we threw away everything that contained nuts, or came from a manufacturer that had nuts. Pretty much everything from our pantry was gone! Several weeks later a skin test confirmed G had a severe nut allergy that included tree nuts and peanuts. Right now it's easier to deal with his nut allergy because we can control everything he puts in his mouth. Right now our biggest concern is eating out. So I designed these Allergy Chef Cards with this adorable superhero clipart I purchased on etsy.com. G loves the superheroes on them and is proud to hand them to our waiter.